According to police, Zinkhan, who is an endowed marketing professor at the school's Terry College of Business, has relatives in Texas and owns a home in Amsterdam, Netherlands. A nationwide lookout was issued for the red 2005 Jeep Liberty Zinkhan was driving when he was last seen following the shootings Saturday.
Zinkhan allegedly killed Marie Bruce, 47, Zinkhan's wife and a prominent Athens attorney; Tom Tanner, 40; and Ben Teague, 63.
The victims were all associated with the Town and Gown Players, a theater group that was holding a reunion picnic Saturday off campus when Zinkhan allegedly killed the three.
According to Athens police, Zinkhan was not at the Town and Gown event originally but showed up and got into "a disagreement" with his wife. He left the scene -- police believe to return to his car, where the couple's children apparently were waiting -- and returned with two handguns.
Following the shooting, Zinkhan departed the scene with his children, ages 8 and 10, still in the car, according to police. He drove the kids to a neighbor's home in nearby Bogart, where he lived, and left the children there.
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