Saturday, April 18, 2009

Playing the Field Card Game Puts the relating Back in Relationships

Not certain of what to say on that first date? Tired of spending months trying to figure out if the person you are dating is really the one for you!?!

With divorce rates on the rise and careers taking precedence, women are becoming more independent and dating is harder than ever. Amanda Brown, a Relationship Expert & Dating Designer, wants to make getting to know that special someone easy and FUN with a cheeky card game called Playing the Field (

“I created Playing the Field to ease the pressure of getting to know someone,” stated Brown. “Playing the Field is a deck of playing cards but with a twist – each card has a question exploring ideas you want to know about someone but may feel uncomfortable asking at first. The series goes from 1st Base to Home Run with the questions becoming more intense and risqué as you progress around the bases. Playing the Field simplifies the discovery process and narrows down the months it would normally take to get to know the ‘real person’ you are dating. This game allows people to learn more about each other in a playful and thought-provoking way. I chose a card game because it’s easy and fun, and the deck of cards is small enough to put in your bag when heading out” added Brown.

As an added bonus, Brown has included a Body Language Cue Card. Since ninety percent of what is said is nonverbal the BLCC gives the player who bought the cards the upper hand by explaining the subtly of body language. Everyone needs the extra advantage of being able to decipher and understand the “moves” of the one they are dating!

How to Play

Intended for a sit-down-get-to-know-you date, the cards provide the vehicle for storytelling. No scoring, no extra pieces, just a deck of cards placed between the couple with the back and forth exchange of questions and answers...the easiest and most inexpensive thing ever when planning a date!

The 1st base deck consists of non-intrusive yet playful questions like… “Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?” and “If you were an animal what would you be?”

In the 2nd base set, couples advance their understanding of each other with such questions as, “Have you figured out what you are going to be when you grow up?” and, “Define sexy.”
As couples let their guard down and eye third base, they are tantalized with questions such as “If money were not an issue what would you be doing with your life?” and “Do you have any strange sleeping habits?”

Now that the couple has successfully passed 3rd base and has home plate in sight, the questions take on a more intimate and personal tone, such as, “Are you happy with where you are in your life?” and, “Where is the wildest place you’ve had sex?”

What it all means

“Playing the Field is a common sense way to get to know each other that I think more people should apply when dealing with their relationships. The game takes the pressure off trying to think of the next cute thing to say by putting those questions out there that you want answered….for once you can actually listen! There is no scorecard – just a mental check. None of us has time to waste with dead-end dating - if your date gives bad answers to three important questions strike him out and look for another player. With the game, people are getting the chance to know each other one-on-one,” Brown explained. “Playing the Field makes dating more fun on your way to finding ‘the one’! There are 100 million sexy singles out there and Spring Fever is in the air! Everyone should try Playing the Field!”

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