GOATLANTA: Talk a little bit about your business, how long in Atlanta, the goal of your company.
CYNTHIA DUNSKY: My business is really two fold. I work with a global product brokerage company to bring products to people and people to products. We are similar to Amazon.com but triple in size with over 35 million products with our partner stores and including 2,500 exclusive proprietary products that our customers can only purchase through our exclusive distributors and our web portal. Our proprietary products are top of the line in health, nutrition, anti-aging, weight management, skin care and cosmetics. I've been in Atlanta for 12 years and after working and supporting other people's dreams, I decided to work for my future and my dreams.
The goal of my company is to help people from all walks of life to take their health seriously, to help motivate and educate and to make a difference in their lives & the lives of their families. To help people live a more quality of life, to live happier and to live longer and to expand my business throughout Atlanta and other major U.S. cities in the near future.
GA: What are some of the popular items/trends right now in the U.S. when it comes to health and wellness, anti-aging products etc?
CD: A few of the most popular trends, as I see it, in health and wellness are: anti-aging, custom nutrition, weight management and enlightenment. Anti-aging: One of the most popular trends is all about anti-aging. And the number one supplement we’re hearing about in the news today is Resveratrol. The following is some helpful information on Resveratrol.
Resveratrol: a natural substance found in the skin of grapes. Resveratrol is making headlines because it appears to slow down aging and even increase the lifespan of human cells. It reduces oxidative stress damage to the cardiovascular system by neutralizing free radicals, and helps support the body’s natural defenses. Resveratrol is also unique among antioxidants because it can cross the blood-brain barrier to help protect the brain and nervous system, and studies show that its benefits are wide reaching, including: Protecting the cells from free radical damage; Inhibiting the spread of cancer, especially prostate cancer; Lowering the blood pressure; Keeping the heart healthy and improving elasticity in the blood vessels; Normalizing the anti-inflammatory response; Helping to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. We carry one of the most easily absorbed forms of Resveratrol, called Isotonic Resveratrol. The reason that our Resveratrol is unique is due the way the supplement is delivered to the body.
What is an ISOTONIC Delivery system?
The two most important factors when searching for the best nutritional supplements are absorption and potency. Being in powder form, isotonic formulas are unparalleled in these areas. When mixed with the proper amount of water, these supplements have the same pressure as some of the body's fluids such as blood, sweat & tears. These products experience minimal dilution in the GI tract, which allows for superior delivery and maximum absorption of the most potent formulations through this unique delivery system. Isotonic solutions offer the fastest and most efficient delivery of all oral forms of nutritional supplements. This means a faster and more efficient absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. Cost conscious consumers maximize their dollars by choosing isotonic formulas. Isotonic-capable supplements are simple to use and easily fit into even the most active lifestyles.
“To maximize efficacy and use of macro and micronutrients, it is recommended that the nutrient supplements be administered in an isotonic form. As a means of delivering nutrients to the body, an isotonic-capable nutritional supplement is the most natural of all supplements.” said Jim Wilmer, PhD and chief science officer.
Another trend we’re seeing is Custom Nutrition. As not everyone needs the same supplements and in the same quantities, people are looking for a more customized approach to their health & wellness and designing a custom nutrition formula based on our client’s lifestyle and DNA, or Nutrigenomics (a laser approach to customization) is one of the most desirable methods in achieving this customization.
Weight Management is certainly in the forefront of our society. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over the past three decades the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for preschool children aged 2-5 years and adolescents aged 12-19 years, and it has more than tripled for children aged 6-11 years. ("Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among Children and Adolescents: United States, 1999-2002"; Oct. 6, 2004) Overweight adolescents have a 70 percent chance of becoming overweight or obese adults. This increases to 80 percent if one or more parent is overweight or obese. (United States Department of Health and Human Services)
These figures are staggering! People need to be educated in the most simple, realistic way so they can start taking control of their weight and incorporate this into their lives as a lifestyle and not just a diet and exercise plan. It comes down to a few basics and the rest is up to the individuals and their desire to be healthy and well. What we teach is to eat a well balanced low glycemic* diet, exercise (and that doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym…it can be taking a walk with your dog, take a bike ride with your kids or something to just get yourself moving), get enough sleep and de-stress as much as you can. That’s a big one for a lot of people.
A vast majority of people are not familiar with the Glycemic Index*. “This is a ranking system of foods containing carbohydrates and depending on the number in the index, indicates how quickly a food triggers a rise in blood sugar. Foods with a low GI ranking breakdown slowly during digestion, resulting in a gradual release of sugar into the bloodstream. It’s important because the regular consumption of high-glycemic foods leads to a greater chance of developing a number of serious health problems, including insulin resistance, type II diabetes, obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. A primarily low glycemic diet is helpful in lowering blood cholesterol levels, controlling weight, maintaining energy, and promoting overall good health.,” said Dr. Shari Lieberman, research scientist, clinician and a presenter, Vitamin Research Products, clinical nutritionist.
Enlightenment: By this I mean more and more people are taking control of their spiritual wellness. It’s all connected, mind, body and spirit. And, I’m not talking about religion. I meet more and more people who are connecting to a higher power, whatever or whoever that is to them. I believe people are feeling the stress and negativity in our communities, our country and around the world whether it be the state of our economy, the rise in crime or the devastation in other parts of the world. People are seeking peace and happiness in whatever form and whatever way works for them. Yoga classes, meditation, retreats, finding alternative ways to de stress and be connected to themselves, in a more positive light are just a few.
GA: Are people starting at a younger age to take more care of themselves from what you have seen or do we need to start earlier than we currently are?
CD: People are starting at a younger age to take better care of themselves as they are eating more of an organic diet and seeing the benefits of exercise as well. Parents are recognizing the need for their children to be on nutritional supplements due to their awareness of antibiotics, pesticides and mercury in the foods we eat and because of toxins in the environment.
GA: If someone wants to start a program or buy products to help them with their health, age better, etc. where do they start?
CD: If someone would like to start a program of wellness, I’m now offering a complimentary nutritional analysis by going to my web portal at www.healthaccessgroup.com, sign in as a customer (no cost to you) and scroll down on the left hand side of the page under Services, and click on and take the “Nutriphysical”. I will get your analysis and contact you. They can also contact me at cynthiadunsky@healthaccessgroup.com or 404-309-2177.
GA: Where do you see the business a year from now?
CD: A year from now, I see my business tripled in size and having an enormous impact on the longevity and quality of people’s lives as well as an impact on obesity, type 2 diabetes, and nutrition globally.
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