The free, public lecture begins at 4 p.m. in the Jones Room of Woodruff Library. Visitor parking is available in the Fishburne deck, 1672 N. Decatur Road. For more information, call (404) 727-4632.
The event is part of the "Life of the Mind" lecture series, which showcases Emory's leading faculty members each month. Understanding epigenetics could lead to more effective treatments of everything from cancer to heart disease.
"It lies at the basis of human health," says Corces, who is also Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Biology and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor.While geneticists study the content of DNA, epigeneticists look at the patterns formed by DNA threads, known as chromatin fibers.
Epigeneticists have discovered that these fibers are arranged in loops, similar to the outline of flower petals. The loops are formed by groups of proteins on the threads that can interact with one another and chemically bind together. Corces' lab is studying the proteins involved in the formation of these loops, and trying to determine the function of the loop structure.
The "Life of the Mind" lectures are framed in ways that non-specialists can understand, and include time for discussion. The series is sponsored by the Office of the Provost.
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