Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rape Crisis in Congo Topic of Emory Discussion

'The Vagina Monologues" playwright Eve Ensler and award-winning humanitarian Dr. Denis Mukwege of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) will hold a public conversation at Emory University's Center for Ethics titled "Turning Pain to Power" at noon, Monday, Feb. 23. Admission is free but reservations are required by contacting the center at (404) 727-4954, or ethics@emory.edu.

The Ensler-Mukwege dialogue is part of a five-city tour organized by V-Day, the global movement to end violence against women and girls. The tour is meant to raise awareness and to combat rampant rape and mutilation of women in DRC that has affected hundreds of thousands.

Mukwege, founder of the PANZI Hospital in Bukavu, DRC, was honored in December by the United Nations for his humanitarian work. During his public conversation with Ensler, founder and artistic director of V-Day, Mukwege will describe his experiences treating and performing life-saving surgery on thousands of Congolese women and girls. Their conversations also will explore causes of the brutality, ways to stop the ongoing violence, and Congo's growing movement of women leaders.

The tour is in support of V-Day's joint campaign with UNICEF to stop rape in DRC and will make stops this month in Los Angles, New York, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.

For more information on V-Day initiative or the tour, contact Margaret Bensfield, (202) 751-3476, mbensfield@groupssjr.com, or Susan Celia Swan, (917) 865-6603, press@vday.org.

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