“Sharing towing information between the Police Department, Parking and Transportation, and our contract towing operator will connect the dots between the time a car is towed to its subsequent recovery by the owner,” states Georgia Tech Police Chief Teresa Crocker. “With Georgia Tech’s participation in the Georgia Towed Vehicle Locator Initiative, students, faculty and Georgia Tech visitors will have a single place (www.ga.towedcar.com) to search for a missing vehicle regardless of who and where it was towed in the Greater Atlanta Metropolitan Area.”
The partnership leverages C:LOGIC’s Vehicle Information-sharing and Notification Service (VINS), delivering a comprehensive Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that streamlines dispatching and towing operations, enabling electronic information sharing among area Law Enforcement, the Towing and Storage Industry and the general public.
VINS-enabled communication between the university departments and their contract tower, A TOW, will lower GTPD officer workload by eliminating paper towing reports and automating wrecker dispatch. VINS also enables vehicle owners to locate a towed vehicle through a searchable public Web site. VINS linkage with university parking and Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) IT systems will also facilitate the collection of outstanding parking tickets and automate the retrieval of owner and lien holder information necessary to comply with state notification requirements.
The Georgia Towed Vehicle Locator Initiative connects the dots and enables disparate law enforcement agencies to easily locate vehicles that have been towed in neighboring jurisdictions, dramatically lowering the number of erroneous stolen vehicle reports, as well as the time required to locate a missing vehicle.
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