Just how much is a woman's virginity worth these days? For one San Diego woman, she hopes the answer is many dollars.
A 22-year old woman is putting her virginity on the auction block to pay for college.
Natalie Dylan, which is not her real name, already has a degree in women's studies. Now, however, the woman hopes to pay for an advanced degree in family and marriage therapy with the proceeds from the auction. According to the most recent bid, one man is willing to pay $3.7 million for a night with 'Natalie.'
Dylan said she got the idea from her sister who paid for her college education by prostituting herself for three weeks, according to the London Telegraph.
"I think me and the person I do it with will both profit greatly from the deal," Dylan informed the paper.
1 comment:
This is truuuly sad; it just is!!!
The world is sooo very evil! Folks
look to themselves; &, are quite
willing to sell their souls to the
devil, if it gets them what they
want on earth! Unfortunately, she
is (exceedingly) arrogant; &, her
horrible choices will only gain her
heart-ache & much suffering, in the
end! I pray that someone will be
sent her way, that she will re-
spect, who will help her to see
her misguidedness, in order that
she will be inspired to (put on
the brakes) & stop speeding down
this path toward destruction! If
she is not, already, she (will)
engage in (heavy) drug use, leading
to her early demise, (if) inter-
vention does not occur! Unfortun-
ately, her current (god) is $$$ &
luxury! I pray that the blinders
will be removed that she is able
to see & experience God, Himself;
&, come to know that (He) is well
able to provide for (all) her
Soooo very sad, Philip
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